The lastest news about Russian bomber flights that will reach the Gulf of Mexico shouldn't surprise anyone. In my post in February of 2013, I spoke of the renewed Cold War. The situation in the world is far worse than the days of NATO vs Warsaw Pact. In those days, there were far fewer players on the global stage and everyone took their cue from Washington or Moscow.
Looks like we are back where we were before 1989, but thinngs are so much worse. Second-hand Russian weapons are in the hands of every faction with enough money to afford them. The Middle East, Central and West Africa, the Balkans. North Africa all teeter on the brink of chaos and none have the kind of restraints that the loyalties and servitude to either NATO or the WP once assured.
So far, Russia has gone from success to success, annexing the Crimea with harly a word said, more and more sabre-rattling incidents, like the bomber activity going on and its unchallenged stance in Syria. Few have mentioned it, but the the situation in Syria and the growth of IS can be attributed, at least in part, to the the west's failure to act early and decisvely, due, at least in part to our reluctance to exexert pressure on an area containing a Russian Naval Base.
Long dormant, the Bear is waking up and the Western powers will need to
be fully aware of Russia's intent and be prepared to take some tough stances if we are to be assured of stability.
For further reading:
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