officials in Poland are seeing red over a new playground. Well, a red light,
actually, that some believe shines from the house at Pooh corner. It seems that a certain
very small bear has been up some unsavoury things according to local
councillors in the small central Polish town of Tuszyn. I’m sure this decadence
in Playland all started with that licentious Tinky Winky and his purse. Honestly, what sort of sick mind would want to live a place whose name is a scatalogical reference?
God society still has right-thinking moral pillars (or something tall and
erect, at any rate) like these to protect our children.
the Pooh banned from Polish playground as an ‘inappropriate hermaphrodite’
the Pooh is banned from being playground logo after councillors declare him a
'hermaphrodite' of 'dubious sexuality' in Poland