Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Paul Ryan? Isn't it obvious?

Well the nail-biting is over and Mitt Romney has decreed that Paul Ryan is the best choice for Veep. A lot of people are finding fault with his pick, but not me. I get it. Why wouldn't you pick the guy who can assure that the solid south will vote GOP (God's Official People.) Just because these states have almost always voted Republican since 1980, Romney couldn't take the chance on a sudden, unforeseen, completely unlikely mass exodus to the Dems. Makes perfect sense. Moreover, why waste the pick on someone like Florida's Marco Rubio? Rubio could have unified minority support for the Republicans, possibly taking some Latino votes away from the opposition and could have helped secure the Sunshine State's twenty-nine electoral college votes. Obviously, those questioning the decision cannot see the genius behind this decision. Failure to pick Ryan could have cost Romney those much-needed ten electoral college votes Wisconsin has to offer. Thank God, Mitt didn't listen to the urging of his foolish pollsters and struck out on his own to make this sound decision. Were it not for this kind of macho independent thinking, we might still be threatened by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Were then would we be? Bravo, Mr. Romney! Your success is assured.

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